here's the key. i would stay a republican, but would select an independent or conservative democrat to run with me. it would be a unity ticket. it would not be a third party. we're not trying to establish another party. i'm a republican. i'm a proud republican. but i'm a prouder american. and i'm telling you, alex, we have debt we can't repay, we have a tax code you can't read that's unfair. we're not creating jobs. you saw the report yesterday. the economy was up 2.8%, but was down this year worst than last year. we are in trouble and no one running for president has the guts to stand clear of the special interest money and by the way, i'd love to be on a debate. i know mitt romney's making fun of them because he's been on 18. i've been on none. i'm the only guy running who's been a congressman and a governor. i'm the only guy running who dropped the unemployment rate in