california. this is history in the making. you have a million people from all different parts of the state, stepping up to say they want to see a governor, a new governor who will bring the state together. this guy is dividing us. that is what this says. this is history. >> kathleen, this goes beyond the wisconsin borders, doesn't it? what is the message here in. people around the state and country have been worried about citizens unite and what happens when you put money in politics. what we're seeing here in wisconsin is something proving to be far more powerful than money and that is the power of the people. this is a real grassroots effort, ed. all across the state we have seen the rural people, urban people, the suburban people pull together and say "we're going to take our government back." >> they are after workers in the middle class they should balance the budget on the backs of these people, is this a stop gap situation?