exploded. so, we had private equity firms raise enough money both from investors and then from banks to buy companies. in which today they own companies employing about 1 out of every 10 americans. very quietly private equity firms own companies ranging from hca, largest hospital chain, to dunkin' donuts, which we're enjoying right now. they are pervasive. the biggest employers in the country, have a big include on the country and few people realize it, but more people are becoming aware of it because of romney's candidacy. >> one of the things i think i found interesting in doing research on private equity, and i was talking to someone on wall street who was talking me through this. he said private equity is responsible for bringing the values approach and culture of wall street to main street. in this way, if there's some widget factory in peoria, illinois, with 500 employees and there's this kind of -- there's a kind of vision of the relationship between the ceo and workers, that is a bit more, sort of paternalistic and part