years in which he's wandered the country, looking for something that felt like home. he went to nebraska, spent some time with his old cellmate, jeff modahl. >> i made some pretty nice friends that i don't mind their company at all. and john stoll is very much one of them. >> jeff modahl sued and received a small settlement after his release. he bought a farm in eastern nebraska, nearest neighbor a good mile or two away. daughter carla lives just down the road. modahl invited john to come and stay with him. >> the guy i spent a lot of years with. >> we sure did. whether we liked it or not. >> whether we liked it or not, yeah. >> and now, the only other man in the world who had any idea what the other was feeling. >> it will be a good time to decompress because i can't talk to people at home. i mean, they're loving people and they really want to help but they just don't know. so now i have an opportunity to talk to somebody who does know.