that divide between the democrats and republicans is still so vast. they can't even agree on what will happen tomorrow if the super committee fail. >> there is a real threat that not only will there be a downgrade but that the market on monday will look again at washington and say, you guys can't get the job done. >> there's going to be $1.2 trillion in savings whether the committee agrees on a method of doing it or it happens automatically as you say. this shouldn't foster a downgrade. >> nbc's mike vi carries at the white house for us. any hope left for a deal, mike? >> very gloomy. we spoke about darkest before the dawn. tomorrow there's talk now, pretty solid chance i'm told by a hill source that they're going to come out with a joint statement on paper essentially declaring failure. the mandate hopes were high when they had the big negotiation, the debacle about reducing debt. they thought they had the