after a hard fought race including the candidate tancredo and republican dan maze, best remembered as the guy who said he was a secret agent but wasn't. manchin won the seat held by robert byrd, beating john raese, a guy who said in an interview, i made my money the old-fashioned way, i inherited it. he wasn't kidding. republicans picked sharron angle to run for senate in nevada. sharron angle said conservative the would turn to second amendment remedies if they didn't get their way at the polls. she lost. harry reid held on to his senate seat though the polls looked like trouble for him heading into that day. in connecticut, linda mcmahon had pro wrestling dynasty name recognition and ton of money going into her campaign for chris dodd's senate seat. in the end, democrat richard blumenthal beat linda mcmahon by more than ten points. democrat mark dayton became governor of minnesota, succeeding a republican you