had the resources. >> they have now arrived at the party. >> they do have a set of strategies that are well-honed over these years. >> that's all the more reason why we can say this is a grass roots uprising. i was on our friends at fox last week. they like to compare this to the tea party unfavorably shocking saying how that was more grass roots. i had to point out, there is body odor down here. >> is that the signifier of freedom? >> they didn't pay for any buses, no giant plasma screens with country stars singing in front of screens. >> authenticity stinks? >> it is dirty and rough around the edges sometimes. >> i want to talk to you about this kevin. i do think we are getting a lot of sort of tea party "occupy wall street" parallels being made, comparisons, et cetera. i do think there is a little bit of a liberal myth we tell ourselves about the tea party that says it wasn't grass roots