train. even more of you are taking a plane. but the overwhelming majority are driving, hitting the nation's highways in record numbers. aaa projects nearly 35 million americans will travel this memorial day weekend. nearly 31 million of them by car. but getting there ain't cheap this year. while gas prices have declined slightly, the national average for regular unleaded is $3.81 a gallon, that's more than a dollar higher than a year ago when the average was $2.78 a gallon. >> i guess the bottom line is pain at the pump will not keep us at home during the holiday. >> reporter: but in much of the country drivers are paying well over $4 a gallon. from the east -- >> yes, driving west and consolidating trips. >> reporter: to the west. >> it's outrageous. i have never imagined it could get this bad. >> reporter: it's enough of a pain in the tank that sterling resorts in florida will pay for your gas if you book a stay.