said, it's a way to get instant feedback. it's a cheaper polling system. you're not paying a couple thousand dollars for a pollster to tell you information as much as you're getting immediate feedback from actual american citizens. but the key piece is, i think the white house has done a decent job putting the message out they want to put out. i think they've used the white house website in an effective way to engage with not only press releases and live footage but pushing out messaging. if they can continue to do that and use twitter as a gauge, it will be extremely effective. but the message is clearly what it's about. >> you've got david plouffe watching twitter while the president is giving speeches. but is it sort of a double edged sword? it seems everybody has that camera phone, a blog, a twitter account. so you can't control who goes viral. we've seen how that's worked against people in the past, sort of the mccac ka effect some people are calling it. how do you keep things from going out of control.