very well orchestrated leak of this news of cia operatives in libya is how details the information is. reading the story i thought that clearly there were two audiences for this story. one, the american people and the allies about what's going on, and two, to gadhafi himself basically saying we've got our eyes on you, you don't know who we are or where we're going to be but we're coming for you, and maybe it will allow for other people to leave gadhafi's ranks and, therefore, really hasten the crumbling his hold on power in libya. >> do you share that analysis? >> well, i'm shocked that the cia is involved in this. >> there's gambling going on in this casino. >> whether they are or not, the purposeful leak of the suggestion they are clearly is intended to scare those things that you just referred to out of gadhafi. he's the guy, he's the problem, and as long as we will not say we are going to do whatever we have to do to get rid of him, we have to do something, and that