barrel, that the highest we've seen it in two and a half years. obviously the crisis in the middle east worrying investors and in turn driving up gas prices for everyone in america. a gallon of self-serve regular will now run you $3.61 a gallon. but as you and i well know, there's too many places in this country where that number is already well above $4 a gallon. it's why it's time for all of us to gather up and find a way out of the stranglehold mideast oil and ultimately foreign imports have on our country's energy policy. the good news, the alternatives already exist, both above the ground and beneath the earth right on our own continent. the bad news, we're not harvesting either possibilities to their full potential. the jobs that would be created, the money we would recapture, half of our trade deficit, ignored. however, the momentum is building to finally tackle the trillion dollar energy problem once and for all.