>> when it does not fail because of the thing that requires it in the first place. that's the thing that makes me crazy about this. have you seen post deepwater horizon safety improvements that should make people feel reassured enough to feel comfortable at the permits coming out at a rate of one every four days? >> usually after one of these events, like the exxon valdez, they focus a couple of years, make sure the safety reports are filled out, everybody is trained and everybody is working according to the procedures. but success breeds complacency. over a period of time, you have this -- slip into the same complacency where history could very well repeat itself if we don't improve the devices themselves. >> bob cavnar, author of disaster on the horizon. 30 year veteran of the oil industry. i should note for viewers we tried to contact bhp bulletin and transocean, nobody was available to answer questions. we will keep trying tirelessly. thanks very much.