and it's literally giving me cold sweats, i don't know. in the frenzy to get these things done, we overlook deductions. let's start with the earned income tax credit. >> 6 million people are missing this credit. it's a credit, not a deduction which is considerably more valuable. on average worth about $2200. 'sea for op - 's wortmore tnth, thatn it tidd eeno ritnece woke economy, more people fall into that bracket. so you have to make sure, if you're eligible for it, that you're grabbing it. >> and i didn't know this, 14 million people out of work and job-hunting costs are deductible? >> right. in a particular classification of job hunting class. you have to be looking for a job in a field that you're already in. you also have to be itemizing those deductions. and they have to account for 2% of your income. they come under the heading of