they evidently were -- some of them may have been damaged, or i heard reports they were damaged in the earthquake. and so we'll have to see how this pulls together. but it's definitely an improvement. the water spray hasn't -- it's a little iffy. i mean, the satellite photos of reactor number 3 show the steam plumes coming up, and people worry that that's the steam coming off the spent fuel pond, meaning that the water's boiling. and so it doesn't look from the satellite images -- and again, there's a -- you only get those once a day. it doesn't look like there's been much progress at cooling down those -- that particular spent fuel pond. >> the first readings of american data collection in flights over fukushima seem to indicate that the worst of the contamination has not gone beyond an 18-mile radius, but what do you think the real danger zone is there? >> well, i don't think it's really known. i mean, the radiation