this president said my first choice would be to have congress change it, but i can't get it. >> will this help him with his base? >> yes. >> i don't think it will help with our crowd. >> the mood of the country is changing. discrimination against gay people is no longer popular. some of the other polls are even less 50/50. >> ten seconds. >> moral truth exists and it doesn't change, and all things are not equal. >> but people's views on this evolve. pat, even you're evolving on this, i can tell. >> you're not going to change his mind. thank you richard and pat. very good debate here tonight. i think it was very civilized. up next, newt gingrich is probably running for president. today he maerd from a college kid who asked him about his own marital history. sometimes reporters aren't as nervy as they college kids. he just said -- we're going to watch this.