could bring in some exclusive styles. >> even before the launch cassie was sharing her concept with friends and family. >> i was very proud, very excited, was telling lots of people. >> at a wedding, cassie told some folks about her idea. and she says those people shared the news with others. soon after, her dream turned into a nightmare. while attending a trade show in las vegas, she quickly realized her business idea may have been lifted. >> i went to meet with one of the designers, and i had already previously met with her. she said, i am so confused. somebody just came in, i thought they were with your company, they had a similar name. obviously they're buying my collection. so i thought it was you. i said, well, that is strange. do you happen to have their card? >> cassie called the phone number and got quite a surprise. as she recounts the conversation, it went something like this. i said, well, my name is cassie remple, you're not going to