because you're asking for their support. what can they do for you? >> you know, what i'm doing is just letting people know that about the redistricting. you know, i'm sending is out another e-mail today to describe the kind of challenges that we have. i have a website set up. people can go to the internet and find it. i'm really letting people know. i'm not going to sit and wait for my district to be an polished in order to start to engage my supporters in a discussion looking at each and every option, of course, my first option would be to continue to represent cleveland, ohio. that may not be possible. if it's not possible, what do i do next? i'm going to be ready with an entire plan to look at every option and to be prepared to move as soon as i have to make a decision, which will be probably by the end of the year. >> the process is, your constituents, you got to know them. they got to know you. they vote for you. and all of a sudden, your people are no longer your people. what if your new people don't know the who you are or don't necessarily support what you stand for?