trillion dollars in stimulus. 1/3 of it cuts tax cuts. and doesn't create a single job, that's his claim. >> go ahead, mayor. i'm sorry. >> he's just out and out wrong. as a matter of fact, i suspect that even his wife probably told him, you can't say that. just think, at goldman sachs they created jobs with that money. at the auto industry they created jobs with that money. so don't say it didn't happen. you can say democrats didn't do enough or they're not -- or they shouldn't get any benefit from it but one job, are you are kidding me? >> well, rick scott is such a trust worthy guy that wasn't it his health care firm that was find over $100 million for defrauding medicare? so this guy you can take what he says to the bank, i'm sure. >> that'll get you elected governor of florida. >> yeah, apparently. >> my hero and heroine michele bachmann who has named today by the way to the intelligence committee, there's a whopper.