one off on us. >> does it matter that he hasn't had access to, and thus hasn't released dick cheney memos or some equivalent to the gulf of tonkin data from 1964? one of the arguments against this is it's not journalism because it's a massive essentially download of secret or hidden information. that it's not vetted in some way, not journalistically gone through in some way or sifted. does that matter at all? >> it has been. first of all, the news agencies from "the new york times" to the "guardi "guardian," to the papers in europe, they have spent a lot of time vetting it, going through it. i think they're very happy to have this access to it. right now we've been focusing on state department cables for the most part which have been, if anything, embarrassing. and even as defense secretary mr. gates said this does not put anyone's life in jeopardy, let's not make such a big deal about