victory by having a small add-on on to this bill and have the end message of this be be, hey, white house, before you sell out include us in the selling out. that's not a good message. we need them to insist that the white house -- scrap this current bill, put the republicans on offense, go to maine, go to massachusetts, go to mitch mcconnell's home state of kentucky, rally voters and pass the clean voters of the obama tax promise from the 2008 campaign. that's what americans want. that's what they voted for. it's a winning strategy. robert gibbs can have a winning mentality from the white house podium. it would work if they did it. the house should keep fighting until they win. >> adam green, good to have you with us. >> good to be here. coming up, christine o'donnell refuses to apologize for comparing the extension of the unemployment benefits to the death of elizabeth edwards. it's appalling. i'll get "rapid fire "yt response on that. i have the smoking gun proving fox news is out to defeat president obama, the democratic agenda. i'm revealing their shocking internal e-mails in the "playbook" tonight.