the movement put out for dr. britton. it provides his exact home address, his office address, a description of his vehicle including a license plate number, and a physical description of him, 6'2", 190 to 200 pounds, gray hair, race, why is, age, 68. they show him in a bulletproof vest, in case you want help on aiming, i suppose. and on another version of the wanted poster, you see photos of his home, his office, his car. this version of the poster lists what the extreme anti-abortion activists who distributed call his crimes against humanity. that doctor, john britton, murdered by paul hill. these wanted posters were distributed and then he was murdered by an anti-abortion extremist too. they be there's dr. george tiller. here's a wanted poster with dr. tiller's name and face on it. this was distributed after dr. tiller was shot the first time in 1993. dr. tiller worked in witchta. they have turned it into this poster into "auschwitchta." get it?