cycle. the white house political operation probably should have given the leadership up on the hill maybe a heads up that the president was going to make those comments. but they didn't. so that's why rahm emanuel's been on the phone, working the phones, talking to democrats, saying simmer down, let's ride this thing out. let's not make it a bigger deal than it is. you saw harry reid's spokesman had to put out this comment yesterday essentially saying he respects the first amendment but thinks the mosque should be built elsewhere. it will be interesting to see how other democrats in really tight races are going to have to walk this issue or whether they can do what some national democratic strategists are saying, say look, it's a local issue. it doesn't affect us here in my district. and at least try and walk away from the controversy. if they can't say what president obama did, then try and avoid it. >> pat buchanan, i've got obviously i've been hearing from democrats and republicans over the past day. democrats, especially, and a lot of washington media types have been telling me just how stunned they are at this president went out and not only talked about