innocent woman he smeared on national television. the only continuing incompetence in this story belongs to fox news and the rest of the conservative media for trying to convince you, the viewer, that barack obama has a deep-seeded hatred for white people. howard dean went into their own foxhole and gave it right back to them. >> let's just be blunt about this. i don't think newt gingrich is a racist and you're certainly not but i think fox news did something that was absolutely racist. they took -- they had an obligation to find out what was really in the clip. they had been pushing a theme of black racism with this phony black panther crap and this business, and sotomayor and all this other stuff. i think you've got to be -- the tea party called out their racist fringe and the republican party has got to stop appeal willinging to its fringe. fox news did that. >> chris wallace defended the right wing network's coverage. >> i know facts are inconvenient