after like nine or ten zeros after the decimal. >> but chris, the key thing is we need in the short term to spend. and we spend in a productive way. we spend to invest in the future of this country and the future of our children. and the future of our safety and the future of health and the well-being of this nation. what is truly scary as well is that the whole world is now on then austerity kick. we saw this at the end of the 1930s but it is more dangerous today because at least then for better or worse the europeans were building to fight world war ii. today the entire world is withdraw interesting stimulus. that is going to be on the backs of working people around the world in this country. so i think we need to fight hard. the good news, chris, i met with someone this afternoon how wrote about for the nation, george gail, national people's action. there are groups coming together street heat, but also popular mobilization, working inside and