and we discussed before, you know, we didn't want to shoot nobody or anything unless it was absolutely necessary. so he just shot him in the shoulder, let him know it was real. he let the rest of us out.รง we went out the roof escape hatch and then used the alarm wires to help us stay balanced on the wall partition that went out to the sallyport. >> what happened is we didn't have the razor wire here. the gate wasn't here. inmates were able to walk this wall right here. over the fence and go down. >> make a mad sprint across the parking lot and hopefully we wouldn't be shot at from the tower. >> during that summer months, we would assign an officer to the tower until 8:00. there was nobody in the towers, which gave them the opportunity to escape. and now the tower is manned 24 hours a day. >> after they took the road blocks down, we separated and