brown-kaufmann amendment was our one big chance to limit the size of the megabank failed 33-61 last week. the weekend was one of the biggest bailouts of all time. for the banks. now of course you had to say the banks, because they had this huge dagger at the throat of the global economy again. which was the contagion that was going to spread from greece to portugal to spain to italy and up to france. so the structure that got us into this much trouble, so much trouble in september 2008 just keeps getting more dangerous. and all the emergency measures that are taken, play into that. nobody is trying to reform and fix the system. this administration said, we'll save you last year and then we'll reform you. well the reform is not going very well, dylan. >> no. what is the real risk for, as people look at this, simon and they'll wrap it up. they say, this is just a bunch of rich people screwing with each other. i can't really do anything about it. and it doesn't really matter to pea. why should i care whether my senator is a bankster? >> that's a great question. i think the frustration that