her ties both back in chicago where sheefsz a law professor and the dean at harvard. >> an interviewed by the president last time around. what is the case against her? shoo she hasn't been a judge and doesn't have the political experience. you wonder what her background is for liberal groups, the case against her they are nervous what she really believes. if you have somebody who wasn't been a judge and hasn't written in a lot of these hot button areas, religion, abortion, she's a question mark. what might she turn into. >> she would be the third woman on the court. that's one of the political things you point out. 49 years old. this idea of a woman does seem to be taking hold because let's be realistic, the short list seems to have one or two men, but women seem to be the dominant theme here. >> right. i think part of what's going on is that this short list is a holdover from the last list which was all women. it was very clear the president was going to put a woman on the