decisions. alley himself was a member of saddam hussein's baath party. he is is a shiite, he's secular. among certain circles, he's a controversial figure. iran does not like ayad allawi, iran has back protests against him in the past and analysts i've spoken to and politicians, including people very senior in the iraqi government, expect that iran could very soon start to stir the pot more against allawi after this move. >> understood, richard, we're fortunate to have you here today, thank you for your information. i do want to move on to the vatican sex abuse scandal. this one also, church officials insist, that pope benedict did not know about a decision to let a pedophile priest resume working with children back in 1980. the pope at the time was known as archbishop joseph ratzinger and according to "the new york times," he was copied on a memo detailing the priest's reassignment, which implicitly would include the details of the