keiko. it was a total failure. he was condemned to a very bad death in a lot of ways. he literally starved to death and caught pneumonia. so, that is not an option. >> so, if we free tilikum, is he going to see the same fate as keiko? >> well, keiko was quite successful, actually. keiko was on death row in mechanimexico city at an amusement park and seaworld and that industry did not save him. it was earth island institute. and, yes, you can take an orca, all of them, any of them successfully out of a concrete box. basically it's just a concrete box. you can put them in the ocean in a large sea pen where they can experience the natural rhythms of the sea and the currents and the tides. and that's what earth island did. free willy foundation. with keiko. that was very successful. keiko swam under his own free will from iceland to norway.