their ideas you incorporate, republicans are not going to support this, period. joining us now is ezra klein. staff writer at the washington post who did not know about, nor does he endorse the snarky thing i said about his paper a moment before he came on the show. >> good evening, i don't even think i heard it. >> hooray, that's the best defense. >> don't watch the tivo. are there substantive policy disagreements here? it does not seem to me like the disagreements here are about policy, it seems to me like they are pure politics. >> you could argue there are, right? maybe republicans don't believe you should spend money to ensure human beings, you could make that argument that it's not worth doing. i think two things you didn't include in your intro, actually the larger arguments the republicans have are also incorporated into the bill. what liberals wan is the a single pair system, a public system, they let go of that, they don't even have a public