like someone who's just pleaded guilty. prosecutors would say she should be facing four to ten months, and they're going to recommend on the low end of that. >> so, let's get back to linsey davis, with us again tonight. there were many parents and coaches who were swept up in this, but these two actresses, you were telling me, a big difference, a key factor in any sentencing will be the dollar amount of the fraud, what they actually spent here. >> reporter: exactly. so, when it comes to fraud, the amount of the fraud can help determine what the sentence will be. so, when you're talking about huffman, she's accused of $15,000, loughlin, on the other hand, accused of $500,000. huffman is accused of doing this one time, versus loughlin, who is accused of doing this twice. >> so very different cases. >> reporter: yes. >> linsey davis leading us off again tonight on this. linsey, thank you. in other news this tuesday night, the calendar does say april 9th, but there is a major blizzard bearing down on several states tonight. in fact, the airlines are already offering travel waivers. a huge part of this country bracing for this blizzard in the coming hours. winter storm alerts from colorado across to michigan. look at the map tonight. six states under blizzard