that peace shattered on wednesday. the fear now of a growing trend of isis attacks around the world. alex march kwart quart abc news tunis. fresh start at the scene of a terror attack in australia. the sydney cafe that was the site of a deadly siege has reopened. the cafe worker who survived was behind think counter when the doors opened today. the plaques of the two who died were displayed on the wall. the gunman was killed by police. jurors at the boston marathon bombing trial got a firsthand look at the remains of a pressure cooker that the defendant dzhokhar tsarnaev allegedly threw at police during a gun fight. the fbi said it was the same type of bomb used four days earlier at the marathon finish line. this is in better shape than those bombs because it lodged in this parked car. jurors heard the radical materials were found in tsarnaev's computer, including issues of al qaeda magazine. the fbi is looking in to whether millionaire robert durst