mind the public had a right to know and which did no damage to the united states. >> reporter: that same determination a year later with the story that would reshape history. >> "washington post" reported today -- >> "the washington post" -- >> reporter: bradlee stood by those two fearless newspaper reporters, woodward and bernstein as they broke the watergate scandal. >> woodward and bernstein have done an extraordinary job. >> reporter: in "all the president's men," bradlee was played by jason robards. the post's reporting would help bring down the nixon administration. >> i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. >> reporter: bradlee and his wife writer sale quinn very much a part of washington. quinn by his side as his health declined. >> i don't think we have ever been as loving with each other as we are now. >> reporter: when bradlee received the medal of freedom last year he was called a titan of journalism. david muir, abc news, new york. >> what a legend. you know, i was worked at the "washington post."