opened first time in the u.s., yesterday in los angeles. people tried it out. one concern of movie-goers you are not allowed to have food or drink in there which is a huge problem. >> i saw nick eating it up. >> just did that for nick. >> if there is a will there is a way. i smuggle in popcorn. a new honor for a sexy star of the silver screen. >> "people" magazine crowned joe maganello as the hottest bachelor. >> the 37-year-old pittsburgh native plays a werewolf on true blood and a stripper in the magic mike sequel. ladies, just for the record, he is available. and being part sicilian he warns he is passionate and hot-blooded. just how i like them. >> i'll leave you with that. don't miss our updates. facebook, and >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.