mountain. not much you can do past this. >> reporter: now this freshwater fisherman is hooked. better than your biggest bass? >> oh, yeah, i will say. >> reporter: treasure island, i'm carson chambers, abc action news. >> story for the rest of his life. >> we don't know, we are more impressed with the handlebar mustache on the shark expert or shark itself. have you gone fishing and caught anything? >> nothing that big. my dad tells it. hey, there you go! great white in your midst. >> nice knowing you everybody. >> my dad, i went fishing with him in one of those little fishing in a barrel. i started crying they wouldn't throw the fish back in. >> you wanted to eat it? >> no, i wanted the fish to go back in. >> how about you? >> went with my dad, when i was little. caught a sand shark. >> shark is a shark. >> shark is a shark. little.