>> besides stick figures. well, there is news can you paint? >> no, i cannot. >> besides stick figures. well, there is news overseas that has rocked the art world in a brazen heist. thieves made off with some real masterpieces. >> seven paintings in all including a picasso, matisse, and a monet, but the thieves may have a hard time selling the art. abc's jeffrey kofman explains. >> reporter: blank walls, empty picture hooks, all that's left after thieves broke into this rotterdam museum. it was 3:00 a.m. they entered from the back where they could see the paintings through the windows. so much for state-of-the-art security. this museum doesn't use overnight security guards. the alarm did sound, but by the time police arrived, the masterpieces were long gone. what a haul. a picasso, a matisse, two monets, a gauguin and more, as good as art gets. the value? more than a hundred million dollars.