her parents. >> i just do it and do it and do it until their heads spin. >> reporter: she already has big plans for her future. >> i wanted to be an astrobiologist. i like astronomy and biology. i'm also aiming to be in the swimming part of the olympics. >> reporter: as for all the autographs and air time, madison says she just wants to be back to being a normal kid. >> too much of it is really overwhelming. i mean, one is fine. two is fine. three is fine, but not too many. >> do you feel like it's hit too many? >> exactly. i hope this will be my last one. >> wow. that girl is going places. makes you feel dumb. >> i love that she was spelling antidisestablishmentarianism. i remember learning that word in fourth grade. boom! fourth grade. >> you are smarter than a 6-year-old girl. >> but i can't say biopic. >> announcer: this is ab