to dance for the mirror ball trophy. >> including cable tv commentator nancy grace. so how's the legal eagle from here's ross bowen from wlls. >> reporter: cha, cha, cha, cha, cha. cha, cha, cha, cha, cha. all right. my singing technique isn't quite the standard of the "dancing with the stars" band. but it'll have to do as we hook up with cable tv host and star nancy grace and irish dance man tristan mcmanus. >> at least i know the basic steps of the cha cha cha now. at least i think i do. some people would disagree. >> she's certainly doing everything i'm asking of her. so i couldn't ask to any more. what's great about nancy is she has the determination that she wants to do really well so, she'll be the one to kind of go push me more, push me more, which is great for a teacher. >> reporter: but is nancy ready for that full-on spray tan? >> what body tan? >> they haven't told you about that? >> take one thing at a time. >> i have no problem with being completely orange. i have no problem with being orange.