kapiolani hospital. >> reporter: the president says he did it because the week he introduced his place of birth were prominent in the media. in fact, every major network including abc broke into their regular broadcast for the president's remarks on his birth certificate. the president told oprah winfrey for a show airing monday may 2nd he wanted to end the distraction. >> we can't be distracted by sideshows, and as i said at my press conference, carnival barkers who are going around trying to get attention instead of -- [ applause ] >> reporter: that was almost certainly a reference to donald trump, who'd made obama's place of birth a major campaign issue. >> i think it actually shows how empty and what an empty windbag donald trump really is. >> reporter: trump was proven wrong, but that didn't stop him congratulating himself for resolving an issue he alone among presidential contenders had raised. >> i'm very proud of myself because i've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish.