applause which was a new record. on top of that, google is hiring. do you think you could get a job there? you're not going to believe the tests they make you take when you apply. >> can you google that test? can you google the google test? also this morning, if you've gone to the grocery store any time recently, you've seen those reusable bags. there's something pretty important that you're going to want to know about those bags. they might not be as good for you as you think. so stick around because we want to tell you what's lurking in those bags. and this one is kind of shocking. >> one step forward, two steps back. we begin with the state of the union address last night and the president's call to, quote, win the future. >> president obama used his speech to not only focus on the economy but to urge americans to tap into their creative power. >> for more now we turn to our jake tapper on capitol hill. good morning, jake. >> reporter: rob and vinita, president obama came to congress to del hi he was hoping to deliver an overall theme for his presidency