rounding out the list, other things here, this chat roulette, this website lets you hook up with a random person on the web to have a conversation. ipad was big. katy perry, twitter, facebook, all this was big in 2010. it was justin bieber's universe on google this year. >> fascinating to know that people are more often googled than things. i would have thought gulf oil spill, that it wouldn't be just a celebrity. but i guess that tells us a lot about what we're interested in also. >> and you'll like this. the top searched politician is south carolina governor-elect nikki haley, the second american-indian governor in the country. >> people like to google us. >> there you go. >> i don't know how to summarize this. it's like the bad setup for an adult movie. what basically happened is a postal worker walks into a woman's office, realizes she's unhappy, and thinks i'm going to come back totally naked. and she flips out. she says basically, give me the mail and get out of here. the guy's name is mailman dave, and he says he basically will now pay a $681 fee. he says he thought he was cheering up the 21-year-old