of 95 driving about 50 miles an hour. >> so i sped up and got next to her, and then i just started going nuts, like screaming, yelling as loud as i could. like blasting on my horn. and she just went like that. like she knew what she was doing in a sense. you know, like don't mess with me, i know what i'm doing kind of thing. it was really strange. >> reporter: at one point, you see the elderly woman swerve into the center barrier but keeps on going. then a few hundred feet later, she slams on the brakes and hits the barrier again but continues going the wrong way. >> she just kept going, staring straight and just had her hands on the wheel just staring straight. and like just oblivious. like she didn't even know -- it was just so surreal. >> reporter: the woman somehow managed to get off i-95 but not before causing at least four accidents, including a truck that smashed into a bridge overpass. remarkably, there were no serious injuries. >> thank god. i mean, that's -- i mean, somebody had -- somebody -- there were hundreds of people that were extremely lucky. they didn't die. >> she was driving a 1988 or '89 buick blue sentry station wagon