catastrophes. brian: the princess bride, was that under giant billie crystal? ainsley: billie crystal. steve: as long as will farrell. brian: an nyu professor. not easy to be an ny. professor and not believe that climate is real. he believes it's not settled science. he is a department of civil and urban engineering there. i would say this on the actual infrastructure itself, it looks like they agreed about 1 trillion. you would think that would be pretty cool. not really. what they're going to do, if it does work, is agree to the 1 trillion. get the 11 republicans, and almost the next day they are coming with another package with elder care, child care, school lunches, climate change. ainsley: that's fine but don't call it infrastructure. brian: no, it's not really fine because if they do it on simple reconciliation, it is going to be at least $4.2 trillion, no one even brings up inflation which last week they said is