relays into possibly coming up with some legislation as it relates to guns in america. steve: you know what, brian, the lead story right now in the "new york times" is republicans get behind bills in congress for gun seizures and what it is talking about is the republicans, after the president gave that speech from the diplomatic room of the white house on monday, the republicans are embracing red flag law us where if somebody is found and it's adjudicated that they are an imminent danger, they can seize their guns. they can temporarily confiscate their guns. i was reading this morning that apparently there are a lot of people who think this, in fact the number two republican in the senate john thune says he is pretty sure that they can find common ground on this and pass it out of the senate. big question is what happens to it in the house where they want assault weapon bans, they want universal background checks. they want much more than the republicans are willing to give them. ainsley: that's what we need to focus on not on who is to blame and all this political