so, a major update -- and that's what this is, a merit system and a heart system -- is long overdue. >> lisa: that was president trump unveiling his immigration overall plan yesterday. democrats calling the plan a nonstarter. congresswoman omar sang the u.s. should abolish ice instead. house speaker nancy pelosi criticizing the language of the proposal. listen to this. >> they are seeing families about merit? that most people come to united states in history of our country are without merit? because they don't have an engineering degree?" >> we need to abolish i.c.e. and end all inhumane deportation and detention programs. >> lisa: s congresswoman omar at renewed calls to abolish i.c.e., president trump signals he actually aims to bolster deportation efforts, tweeting this morning, "all people illegally coming into the united states and i will be removed from our country at a later date as the buildup of removal forces and the laws are changed. please do not make yourself too comfortable -- you will be