authority to declare a national emergency under the act. congress also gave themselves the authority to try to rescind that national emergency. president trump has the authority to then veto and then congress can try to find the votes, two thirds in the house and senate to override it. so essentially everyone is exercising the authorities that they have under the act. >> juan: what you just said though. if this is not the caravan. this is not like someone invading our country, lisa. >> greg: you sought caravan first off, juan. you were the first person. >> lisa: how is it not a crisis? >> juan: that's so different. >> greg: how is it? >> juan: talk about invasion and you send troops. >> greg: people die no matter what you call it. people die. >> juan: never has any national emergency been declared to get around the fact that congress won't fund. this is an exceptional. >> jesse: why did they write the act that way, juan? did congress write an unconstitutional act? >> juan: no. they say it's never been done is all i'm saying they wrote it. >> jesse: dagen, i don't see how this plays out in any