what it's really about is punishment and control. the green new deal is a religious document. it punishes america for the sins of its prosperity. the only atonement it offers is turning over full control of the entire u.s. economy to the democratic party. that's the indulgence they require. they are using moral blackmail to get it of course they are thee democrats always do. nate learner executive director of build the wave and he joins us tonight. so, nate, we are being told that we need to fight world war ii on behalf of the environment but fight it against ourselves is what they are saying. we have to wage war on our own economy. why wouldn't would he be turning this effort outward towards the world's biggest polluter china and forcing them to clean up the globe? why aren't we doing that? >> that's a really fair question but how can we ask china to step up to the plate if we're not doing it ourselves? ocasio, cortez, for example is, no position to demand china when our own government refuses to invest the funds and resources that we need to into changing our