photobombing by fiji water. how are you feeling, sean? >> scared. >> tucker: you have been in this position before. >> i have. >> tucker: you were on the wrestling team in high school. know the feeling of gettig on your back and getting their reserve surgeon strength and winning. we'll see if you still have it. question four. a big electronics conference in las vegas has unveiled a lot of interesting new gadgets. one of them is a rolling suitcase, also known as rolling luggage. what is so special about this rolling suitcase? >> it will follow you. >> tucker: it will follow you? really? >> yeah, you don't have to -- it's hands-free. >> tucker: okay. is that true? is lauren right about the suitcase? >> carry on luggage that you do not have to pull through the airport. the bag will follow you. >> yeah. i want that. i want that very much. >> it will alert you if someone tries to steal it. it's not fool proof, as that lady just found out. the suitcasefo will be available on amazon in the next couple of months for about $800.