stops. we heard kellyanne say he is not leaving anything on the table is he going anywhere. ainsley: in a matter of week is he going to hit 11 spots. doing two a days indianapolis and. then on the third montana and florida. on the 4th georgia and tennessee. on the 5th ohio, indianapolis, and missouri. so three a day. brian: ohio is key. because he is really going to bat for the replacement for mr. divine former congressman divine. he wants to be the next governor of ohio and the president wants to make sure in that key battle ground state he has a republican on the ground. steve: what's extraordinary about that particular race is john kasich, who is a republican, did not endorse president trump and did not even go to the republican convention when it was in ohio. he is set to actually endorse republican mr. divine who used to be a u.s. senator, later on this week on friday. so, very, very busy. a lot going on. ainsley: a lot of rhetoric being ramped up around the country.