walid, in the meantime, you might be of the impression hearing all of this, that we are shutting down the borders of this country, when in fact, we have been averaging anywhere from 1.1 to 1.2 million legal immigrants into this country going through the legal methods per year every year. and this has continued under the trump administration. so actually accelerated a little bit. sometimes there is the misnomer out there that we are shutting down the border. i'm wondering from your vantage point, does this give an image that we are just trying to police people we don't want or people who are doing it the wrong way? what do you think? >> look, my friend, i have been a legal immigrant. that's how i came to the united states. i was not born here. thousands and thousands of people like me came and come every day to the united states that's a normal thing. what we are looking at here is an organized movement which basically is not heeding the advice or instruction of let us do the right thing, the vetting. let us clear out things they want to get to the border and cross the border and